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Fondateur des entreprises à succès Habikon et Dville.


LEADER Entrepreneur
montreAL - RIVE-SUD

Nick Rothos (Habikon Construction)

3005 Boulevard Matte Suite 300A Brossard Qc J4Y 2P4



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Nick Rothos


par son approche humaine, rigoureuse et innovante.

As a visionary and successful entrepreneur for more than 20 years, Nick Rothos imposes himself at the head of the companies Habikon and Groupe Dville by his human, rigorous and innovative approach.

He is also the proud owner of the Table Grecque in Granby (South Shore of Montreal), a popular restaurant that offers authentic and delicious Greek cuisine, with a modern twist.

He has also contributed to the social and economic development of the region, by creating jobs, supporting local businesses, and participating in charitable causes. He is a person who inspires others with his passion and ambition.

LinkedIn Learning Certificate of Completion :: Construction Management Foundations

LinkedIn Learning Certificate of Completion :: Procore Technologies logo Procore Certified: Project Manager (Core Tools)

Contracteur Constructions Neuves Nick Rothos

- Who is Nick Rothos

Nick Rothos is a leader and a respected figure in the business community, who has demonstrated creativity, reliability and excellence in his ventures.

Recent LinkedIn Posts from Nick Rothos :

- Voici une courte vidéo explicative du projet sur le Boulevard Matte à Brossard; présentement en développement par mon équipe et moi chez Dville.

- Le Groupe Dville était présent à la 7è édition de Batimatech des 26 et 27 septembre dernier.


Next to the (now former) Glenview Naval Air Base, but by the late 1990s had outgrown this location, prompting them to move to a larger facility in Vernon Hills, IL, where they have been located since 1998. Today, Jim Leahy Jr., is Chairman of the company and Tom Leahy serves as Vice Chairman. In April 2014, Angela Korompilas was named President of American Hotel.

American HotAmerican Hotel Register Company is a manufacturer and supplier of hospitality products and services and is headquartered in Vernon Hills, Illinois.el

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American HotAmerican Hotel Register Company is a manufacturer and supplier of hospitality products and services and is headquartered in Vernon Hills, Illinois.el

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