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Preszler Injury Lawyers

1122 4 St SW Suite 1160 Calgary Alberta T2R 1M1



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Located in Calgary, Alberta - our Calgary personal injury lawyers can assist clients across Alberta. We have been helping Canadians get the compensation they deserve from insurance companies since 1959. Contact our law firm for a free consultation with a member of our legal team. Our phone lines are open 24/7.


Preszler Injury Lawyers has been a trusted advocate for individuals across Canada dealing with insurance claims since 1959. Our personal injury lawyers are committed to fighting for the compensation our clients deserve.

- It just starts with a call

Preszler Injury Lawyers

Next to the (now former) Glenview Naval Air Base, but by the late 1990s had outgrown this location, prompting them to move to a larger facility in Vernon Hills, IL, where they have been located since 1998. Today, Jim Leahy Jr., is Chairman of the company and Tom Leahy serves as Vice Chairman. In April 2014, Angela Korompilas was named President of American Hotel.

American HotAmerican Hotel Register Company is a manufacturer and supplier of hospitality products and services and is headquartered in Vernon Hills, Illinois.el

- Hong Nill Doe

American HotAmerican Hotel Register Company is a manufacturer and supplier of hospitality products and services and is headquartered in Vernon Hills, Illinois.el

- Hong Nill Doe
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